Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Change in a Health Trust; When Change Goes Wrong. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 16 page paper considers a case supplied by the student, A hospital trust has undergone change, many jobs have changed or been lost, and former practicing healthcare professionals have found themselves in managerial jobs. The trust is now trying to deal with the poor management quality and is facing great difficulty in gaining employee commitment to the project for improvement. The paper is written in two parts. The first part uses theory to examine the reasons behind the development of the current situation, why the employees feel despondent and their lack of co-operation. The second part then considers how this change should be managed in order to gain the commitment of the employees. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
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16 pages (~225 words per page)
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and de-motivated workers that struggle to for fill the role to which they have been allocated. However, when measures are put into place to increase the management skills there are
low levels of nominations followed by low attendance levels. This starts to indicate that the problem goes deeper. The change has been ongoing for a period of time, the teams
that were brought in may have been process specialist, but they appear to have forgotten or disregarded the impact that change has on the staff. There were many changes to
position, which have an impact, and then there re the way change as have taken place and the way that they have been left to struggle in jobs that they
were not trained for with feelings of resentment towards both the job and their organisation. All of these can, if not managed correctly, have a negative impact on the quality
of management and also of the attitudes that impact on the overall culture. We can consider this in terms of both the shedding of jobs in what amounts to
a downsizing and also the lack of motivation due to the methods that were used. The first event in the loss of jobs. The evidence appears to indicate that the
survivors will also suffer. There is a range of literature that outlines responses. Mishra and Spreitzer, (1998), identify two dimensions, those of constructive/destructive responses and those of active or passive.
The actual manifestation of response will result from a myriad of influences, one of the major impacts being the interpretation of the success and handling of the downsizing itself (Mishra
and Spreitzer, 1998). The reasoning behind this may be seen as logical, as negative responses such as fear and the perception of threat may be minimised in a well organised