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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses “Catholic social teaching,” which is a term that refers to a specific “body of social principles and moral teaching” that is addressed in documents issued by the Church (Major Documents). This body of literature includes not only papal encyclicals, but also “key teaching documents issued by national bishops conferences and Vatican congregations” (Major Documents). The writer discusses key tenets of this part of Catholic faith. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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Documents). This body of literature includes not only papal encyclicals, but also "key teaching documents issued by national bishops conferences and Vatican congregations" (Major Documents). For over a hundred years,
the Roman Catholic Church has pondered the social conditions propagated by both capitalism and communism and slowly formulated a "philosophical framework which has become known as Catholic Social Teaching" (Vallely
2). At the core of Catholic Social Teaching is the idea of the "common good," which has its foundations in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas (Vallely 5). Pope
Leo XIII wrote the first social encyclical and laid the foundation for the further development of social teaching (Vallely 6-7). Additional principals that characterize Catholic social teaching are the "primacy
of people over things and labor over capital" (Vallely 7). As this suggests, while the Catholic Church endorsed the "creation of wealth through capitalism," it warned that the market should
never be allowed to operate "unchecked" or without due consideration for the moral framework in which it operates (Vallely 7). A document issued by the U.S. Catholic Bishops Conference
entitled "Sharing Catholic Social Teaching" points out that too few Catholics are familiar with the premises of Catholic social teaching and understand it to be an "essential part of Catholic
faith" (Sharing Catholic). This document explains that Catholic social teaching is founded on a "commitment to the poor," which arises from Catholic "experiences of Christ in the Eucharist" (Sharing
Catholic). The bishops go on to explain how Christian doctrine calls upon believers to "reach out" to fellow human beings and build "relationships of love and justice" (Sharing Catholic). This
document also explains how Catholic social teaching is inseparable from concept every human life has inherent worth and dignity. "Every person, from the moment of concept to natural death, has