Sample Essay on:
Case Scenario and Ethics

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 4 page research paper/essay that discusses if it is ethical for a nurse to alleviate pain even if this hastens death in a terminally ill patient. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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a choice regarding the manner of her death and whether the patients request should be regarded as an extension of autonomy. The patient is worried about the agony she will face in her final hours as her condition slowly suffocates her. There are few people who would argue against the idea that a terminal patient (or that patients legitimate surrogate decision maker) should not have the power "to choose treatments that minimize pain, discomfort and suffering" within the course of the dying process (Perkin and Resnik, 2002, p. 164). The third provision of the ANA Code of Ethics specifically states that a nurses should be an advocates for their patients and strive to protect their rights. This provision implies that the patient does have the right to have a voice in treatment. As the patient is asking for alleviation of pain/discomfort, not aid in committing suicide, the patients request is legal in all states. The short time in which the patient has left to live is ethically relevant in that her final hours could be agonizing, as she struggles to breathe or they could be peaceful, if health practitioners acknowledge and respond to her request for aid. The third question asks if the patients right to self-determination should be regarded as creating obligations on others to help her exercise her rights. An inherent theme that is implied in all of the questions is the assumption that giving the patient diamorphine, as she requested will result in her death. The questions seem to equate this with assisted suicide. Furthermore, the questions also imply that the administration of diamorphine will relieve the patients struggle to breathe and allow her to die peacefully. First of all, as an aside to the student researching this topic, Perkin and Resnik (2002) indicate that morphine ...

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