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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 11 page paper is based on a patient scenario provided by the student and considers different aspects of care that will be needed by an elderly patient with mobility issues. The care needed, the way that the care worker can help. The important o a care pan and related issues are all discussed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
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11 pages (~225 words per page)
File: TS14_TEcareplan.rtf
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and getting around and support for areas or activity where a walking frame is not suitable, which may include the use of support bards. Vision and hearing also require support
with bifocal glasses and bilateral hearing aids, these require support and testing with relevant aid, but should also be considered in terms of the mobility issue as a aggravating factor
which may make it more likely incidents such as falls, will occur. These mean that many everyday care issues may be a challenge, including personal care needs, such as dressing,
bathing and toileting. There may also be some care issues in terms of eating and the type of food that is viable as it has also been reported that she
may have some difficulty in swallowing. With health needs there may also be the need to help with taking medication. Health needs are also present; she is in
receipt of antihypertensive medication to keep high blood pressure under control, as well as a nebulizer that is needed as a result of breathlessness which requires access to the nebulizer.
There are also likely to be psychological and social needs that Mrs Smith needs satisfied, she was attending a day centre prior to being admitted to the care facility,
it is possible that these needs are not being met. There is also the religious need for personal care to be provided by a female. Question 2 As
a care worker there are a number of ways that these may be aided by a care worker. The aid with the psychological aspects as needed, including assessing and helping
to manage the local environment, such as making sure that there is not furniture in the way, and facilitating as much independence as possible as the same time as providing