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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page comparison and contrast of three artists and one of their works. The artists and works are Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s David and Goliath (undated), William Blake’s The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea (1805), and Francisco de Goya’s Blind Guitarist (1778). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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tendency to make some sort of social commentary about their times, or some symbolic statement (consciously or subconsciously) about the society of their times. With that in mind the following
paper compares and contrasts Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggios David and Goliath (undated), William Blakes The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea (1805), and Francisco de Goyas Blind
Guitarist (1778). Caravaggio, Blake and Goya Caravaggios David and Goliath (undated) is the most realistic of the three paintings or drawings being
discussed and is oil on canvas. His work generally focused on religious icons and events, as was perhaps the common practice of the time period when the Church was strong
and powerful. He was considered "the most revolutionary artist of his time" as he often "abandoned the rules that had guided a century of artists before him. They had idealized
the human and religious experience" (Pioch, 2002). Even though he clearly strayed from the religious ideals of the past, his work was still religious but it possessed a less than
ethereal approach, offering figures who were far more naturalistic than they were ethereal. This is evidenced in David and Goliath wherein there is no powerful glow of the individuals and
the face of David is not clearly seen, only seen from the profile, though Goliaths is clear and clearly severed. There is no real surreal quality to the painting, only
simple naturalistic reality that is heavily highlighted by the light that makes powerful shadows, the light coming from what appears to be the position of the viewer of the painting.
Francisco de Goyas Blind Guitarist (1778) (oil on canvas) is something of a confusing painting when one does not know the background and one only reads the title and