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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 8 page paper, which includes an outline of the paper, offers an overview of cancer, and its psychological and emotional, social and physical consequences. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

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8 pages (~225 words per page)

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as its potential to bring about early death, as recovering from cancer frequently entails altering the body by surgically removing a diseased organ or body structure. The following investigation of the effects of cancer, first of all, offers a broad overview of the physical repercussions of a cancer diagnosis, and, then, focuses on the psychological and emotional, social and physical consequences entailed in being a cancer survivor. Overview of cancer The umbrella term of cancer is used in regards to any of the large number of diseases whose principal feature is abnormal cells that multiple in an uncontrolled fashion, invading and destroying normal cells. Cancer cells divide and grow despite signals sent by the body to stop reproducing, and by limitations of space or nutrition. Unlike healthy cells, they do not function properly and result in tumors and abnormal growths of tissue, which interfere with vital bodily processes. The term "cancer" is used specifically to refer to a tumor that has been determined to be malignant, that is, the tumor has the "potential to cause harm, including death" (Stanford Medicine). In contrast, benign, that is, non-cancerous, tumors, grow slowly and do not spread. When a tumor has been determined to be malignant, it is further categorized as "locally invasive," which refers to tumors that have invaded surrounding tissue; or it may be considered to be "metastatic," which refer to tumors sending out cells to tissues in the body that are distant form the original source (Stanford Medicine). Cancer results from changes, that is, mutations, to cellular DNA, which provides the instructions that a cells uses in regards to growth and division. When errors develop in DNA instructions, this may be the initiating cause of a cell becoming cancerous, growing and dividing more rapidly than normal (Mayo Clinic). ...

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