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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
There are many theories regarding leadership, these look at style, personality and the development of leadership skills. This 14 page paper considers whether the knowledge and use of leadership theory by a company has the potential to increase the quality of leadership in that firm. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
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a defined and well under stood strategy. One factor that can have a major influence is the leadership of the company. There are many examples of the company being successful
due to its leaders, either leading the way or becoming an inspiration, companies such as Microsoft with Bill Gates, The Body Shop with Anita Roddick and the Virgin Group of
Companies with Richard Branson. There are many other examples of great leadership being at the root of a great performance, We can also extend this out towards military applicatins, where
leaders such as Alexander the Great also had the traits of a leader. The leadership in this and many other operations is certainly
a factor success. however, in all of these cases the leaders did not have any leadership training they either developed their won skills from observation and personal development or simply
used the characteristic and style they had already developed. They not onaly werew albe to lead, but it is also worth noting the strategic thought patterns in these leaders.
The role of leadership theory is therefore more controversial, as it is often used to try and develop leaders or enhance the skills and
influence of leaders, whereas for other it may explain why an how leaders are effective but the application in terms of learning is more limited.
If we look at different types of leadership theory we can consider how and why this may or may not help develop effective leadership and consider if it
is a set of theories that can be of practical benefit. The first aspect of leader theory may be the style of leadership that is seen. There are there