Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Cameras Should be Mandatory in Interrogation Rooms. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper takes a look at the use of cameras in law enforcement. The thesis of the paper is that not only should cameras be mandated during interrogations, but also, that it should be a part of the people's constitutional guarantee. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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anything to shake a confession out of the suspect, and the other, mellow officer tries to protect and "help" the suspect. And then there is the reality of brutal police
activity such as Rodney King, and other incidents, that demonstrate police officers will go to great lengths in order to elicit a confession or let go of their own pent
up rage. And while that is troublesome, it does seem that all too often coercive interrogation tactics are used by police officers. The problem is nothing new. That is why
there is Miranda. Now, a suspect must be informed of his or her rights upon arrest. Yet, whether or not those rights are waved are sometimes questionable. Does the mere
utterance of the term "lawyer" mean that a suspect wants a lawyer, or does the interrogation continue even before the suspect is given a telephone? While Miranda protects citizens somewhat,
coercive interrogation techniques appear to be prevalent. A student writing on this subject has in fact recommended that the only way to fight such tactics is to amend the Constitution.
A student writing on this subject proposes an amendment to expand both the 5th and 14th amendments, that would make it mandatory for video and audio recorders to
be in the interrogation rooms. This would aid in preventing excessive coercive practices that are often used by law enforcement officers. The fifth amendment states that a person shall
not be compelled to be a witness against himself and it is that provision that formed the basis of the Supreme Courts decision in Miranda v. Arizona (Petrowski, 2001). More
recently, Dickerson v. United States expanded the definition of the impact of Miranda in respect to interrogations (2001). The Dickerson decision elevated warning requirements in