Sample Essay on:
Calabria: Italy’s ‘Boot’

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 7 page paper which examines this region of southern Italy, including its location, history, and what the traveler can see or do there. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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7 pages (~225 words per page)

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pleasure is reserved for the seasoned traveler. Derived from the ancient Greek word Calab, Calabria is far off any well-traveled path, and looks much like what the ancient Greeks marveled at 5,000 years ago, an area of forests and mountains, "a rugged peninsula where grapevines, fig and olive trees cling to arid mountainsides, and where the immemorial sea crashes against the cliffs and beaches of its long, and intricate coastline, which faces east, south and west all at once" (Andrews). It is a place that left such a profound impression on the poet Homer, he featured Calabria prominently in "The Odyssey," forever immortalized within its epic text as "a... magical and dangerous place, where heroes rose to spectacular challenges and overcame Olympian odds" (Andrews). Geographically and demographically speaking, Calabria (a map of which can be found at is located "squarely in the middle range of Italys 20 regions" and occupies an area of 5,822 square miles (Domenico 39). Ranked tenth in terms of total area and population (2,070,992 as of 2002), the peninsula consists of five provinces - Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio Di Calabria, and Vibo Valentia - with Catanzaro serving as Calabrias capital (Domenico 39). This long peninsula is separated from the rest of northern Italy by Basilicata; the Ionian Sea and Tyrrhenian Sea serve as nautical east/west bookends; and there is the Strait of Messina that isolates Calabria from its southern neighbor, Sicily (Domenico 39). To describe the area as mountainous would be a gross understatement, with more than 40 percent of Calabria comprising either mountains or seemingly endless hills (Domenico 39). Author Norman Douglas was a frequent visitor to Calabria during the early twentieth century and wrote Old Calabria back in 1928, most likely the first-ever regional travelogue. He observed, ...

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