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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 4 page paper argues that the boys of the Spurs Posse should not be held accountable for their actions in 1990, citing societal norms as the reason. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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used by many as an example of how low mens attitudes towards women had sunk. However, others, namely Linda Faludi, propose that the boys were a product of society due to the lack of parental supervision and nurturing, violent media images, which led them to their final and repugnant acts against women. Given this, then, the boys should not be held accountable, but rather rehabilitated. Faludi spent time with the Spurs Posse and ironically, as a women determined that these boys were shaped by their circumstances and if anyone were to be held culpable for their activities it should be a combination of a system who didnt care and was overloaded, as well as the parents who did not and were not supported. Many of the fathers, argues Faludi, had been made obsolete and redundant. As a result, the men made poor role models as they struggled with their own self-identity. How are boys like the Spur Posse created? Are they born bad? Most experts scoff at this idea. For the most part, these boys were a product of their environment which declared that because they were male, they had to achieve certain things, were forbidden to do other things, and in the end, fight for an identity which disallowed any variance from the mean. In a very subconscious way, society has demoted and relegated the man to a position of obsoleteness. Men are not required to produce babies anymore. There are sperm banks for that. Men are not required to provide income for the family, women can work. Men are not required to provide safety or security, there are alarm systems for that. Men are struggling to come to a new definition of what it means to be a man, and just as they seem ...

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