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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9-page paper involves a discussion about creating a hypothetical college organizational structure. Using Birbaum's collegium theory, in part, the paper describes a design for the fictitious Community College. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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a college might seem like an easy and idealistic scenario, but in reality, there are many variables that go into such a development. There is first a mission for the
college or university - is it a two-year college, a four-year institution; does it offer just undergraduate degrees, or will it go into graduate and post-graduate study? Will it be
funded privately, or by the state or community? For purposes of this particular paper, weve decided to go with a Community
College model because such a model exemplifies the reality of colleges today. While most colleges are not as beholden to their communities, cities or counties as the community college model,
most have traveled far from the pure collegium scenario that was the reality of most colleges and universities during the 1960s and 1970s. Any higher educational institution worth its salt
in this day and age needs to take into account not just students, educators and administrators, but also the community in which it operates and the other stakeholders.
By the end of this paper, well have a comprehensive vision of Community College, as were calling our institution, as well as an organizational
chart of how all of the parties interact with one another to produce students who will eventually be future and productive members of society. Discussion - The Models of
Colleges and Universities Before proceeding with our own college, lets examine the models that are used when it comes to formulating educational
institutions. In 1988, Birnbaum presented a series of models that were (and continue to be) useful for describing five types of academic