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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper discusses Tomlinson's book, Globalization and Culture, chapter six, and the cosmopolitization as a result of global endeavors. Quotes and citations included from the text.Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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embroiled in events abroad. Her people are traveling to other shores without leaving the comfort of their own homes, and as never before, via the communication industry, the nations of
the world have decided to meet its neighbors. However, as many countries are finding, it takes more than the desire to do business with other countries, it takes a change
of attitude and outlook, a more cosmopolitan outlook toward cultural ideas, biases, and standards. In John Tomlinsons book, chapter six, Globalization and Culture, he addresses this very issue.
In his opinion, Globalization is more than just a doing business with the world. It involves much more. In fact, in the future as many are already learning, it requires
a total shift in paradigms, a realization that there is a domino effect in which everything builds upon something else. In fact, it would seem that throughout the entire book,
Tomlinson is stating that Globalization, at its very core, is concerned with the way in which cultural procedures and structures are effected by and aid this global connectivity. He urges
against the simplification of Globalization to the simple definition of increased mobility or internet experience, but rather the application and everyday practice of various cultural phenomenon. In fact, there exists
in cyber space a type of state of limbo in which there is a complete culture or identity, but rather one individual or company interacting with another. In this sense,
he seems to be saying there is a consideration of deterritorialized identity, and the impact of globalization is felt not in travel but in staying at home"(Tomlinson, 1999, pg.128). Tomlinson,
in chapter six, also urges against a reductionist outlook toward globalization and speaks to the the dreams, nightmares and scepticism, by stating that as never before there is, as never