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This 5 page paper compares Jack Kerouac to William Burroughs styles, specifically utilizing examples from Naked Lunch and On the Road. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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and writers, such as Burroughs and Kerouac. The phrase beat generation is generally attributed to Kerouac to define a movement, not only of writers, but of a generation who was
beginning to shift in perspective, drastically from the values and ideas of their elders(Beat to Beatnik 2004). To that end, then, both Kerouac and Burroughs achieve their goals, often choosing
different paths, always arriving at the top of the mountain, all the same. Kerouacs spontaneous style alongside Burroughs stream of consciousness shook up the literary institutions of the time. However,
both writers, utilizing their style, illustrate the attitude and perspective of the time. Kerouac writes with a style that is intended to evoke a feeling rather than a particular meaning.
While Burroughs presents modern society as a nation of addicts and hopelessness, Kerouac gives the modern generation a noble quality. This was the generation which was liberated from the lust
for material gain, did not suffer from the perils of ambition, and was open to whatever truths life would explain to them. The basic tale of On the Road is
that of Sal Paradise and his adventures with Dean Moriarty. Sal loves Deans joy of life, his brazen love affair with himself and with those he encounters. Sal is stable
and logical, while Dean is his complete opposite. These two men also indicate the fallen state of mankind attempting to find himself in a mish-mash of technological capitalism. The first
trip that they take says a lot about the reasons that they are traveling, urging deeper truths that merge with the ideas of Burroughs about mankinds willingness to give up
control for instant gratification. At first Sal attempts to travel on his own. His second attempt to go west is met with more success as he finally makes it to