Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on CONDUCTING A MARKETING AUDIT. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4-page paper provides an example of what types of data and information needs to be put into a marketing audit. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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is developed, an audit is conducted during the plans implementation (Marketing Teacher, 2008). Any audit worth its salt needs to include an analysis of the internal and external marketing environment,
as well as a review of the current marketing plan (assuming there is a marketing plan in existence) (Marketing Teacher, 2008). Other points of review (or data to be analyzed)
include a companys objectives, strategies and activities, and helps identify a companys operational strengths and weaknesses (Copernicus Marketing Consulting, 2008). One of the most important tools that can be used
is face-to-face interaction with people; while another is the comparable analysis tools (Nevitt, 1997). One helpful checklist also attempts to align the
marketing audit with corporate strategy, asking questions such as the business mission, the corporate objectives, goals and strategies, sales and management, target markets and the 4 Ps of marketing already
in existence (De La Garza, 2006). In this paper, well put together an example of what information needs to be collected to
perform a viable marketing audit. As there is no information on the industry or product that will undergo the audit, well discuss
the marketing audit in general terms. Well also provide an example of how an entity goes about performing an audit. As mentioned
above, the key task of any audit is to understand where a company is competitively, what the current marketing plan might be, and how an updated (or new) plan can
help that company reach its goals or objectives. Also, if there is already a marketing plan in place, the audit would gauge its effectiveness. Data to Review/Analysis