Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on CLIMATE CHANGE, DIVERSITY, AND HOPE. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9page paper gives and in-depth look at the problems facing the planet and the decline of biodiversity. Examples given, solutions offered. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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9 pages (~225 words per page)
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However, for the average person this has little bearing, or significance. Worse yet, this sentiment seems to be echoed by the worlds leaders as the beginning of the twentieth century
(1900s) when the industrial revolution drew people from the countryside to experience life in the larger cities. However, now, fully into the next millennium the effects of this pervasive way
of thinking has come home to roost in the lack of species diversity and climate shifts. Given that the present era is paying the price of this arrogance, is there
hope for recovery? Michael Grossman in the Spring edition of Scientific American offers that climate changes have severely impacted the vulnerabilities of some regions and that in terms of distributional
consequences the stakes couldnt be higher. In other words, as an expert in climate shifts and the gradual warming of the Earth, Michael Grossman is suggesting that the human race
has a narrow window of opportunity to reverse some of the tragic consequences of the past. The problem which has yet to be solves is how to balance the needs
of all humans on the planet without severely taxing the limitations of the Earth. And, Grossman goes on to state, meeting this singular challenge is made more difficult by the
climactic shifts that are taking place. In short, according to Grossman, mankinds arrogance and refusal to believe that he was a part of the ecosystem instead of outside of it
has contributed to a weakening of many ecosystems on the planet, with some links in the chain disappearing all together. The last time this happened was during the Ice Age,
and was not man driven. The example that he gives is that the surge in warming has "begun to alter the relationships among species in some ecosystems by weakening links