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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5-page paper focuses on various aspects of Niger, including the economy and income, climate, financial situation and other aspects. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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(including wages and hours) as well as leisure activities, jobs, food and so on. With information available for this specific request somewhat limited, we instead turned to information about Nigers
economy in general, as well as information about monetary and cultural aspects in North Africa as a whole. With this information, we can make some suppositions about life for businessmen
and women in Niger. First, Niger, which is located on the edge of the Sahara Desert, is one of the hottest countries
in the world - in the north, in particular, rain tends to evaporate before it hits the ground (Africa Guide, 2003). The temperatures vary from about 85 degrees during the
dry season to 105 degrees (F) during the humid season (Africa Guide, 2003). In other words, it can be safely assumed that except for winter months, when its relatively mild,
much of the activity of the average Niger person is spent indoors. This probably also explains why some company policies allow for
long breaks - much like the siestas in Latin American countries, the long breaks in the middle of the day help the population rest during the hottest part of the
day. Niger is also one of the poorest countries in the world - the GDP per capital was only about $200 (USD)
during 2002, with two-thirds of the population living below the poverty line (IMF, 2004). One-third, of the population, in the meantime, can also be considered very poor (IMF, 2004). This
is reflected in the UNDP Human Development Index, which ranked Niger 174 out of 175 countries during 2003 (IMF, 2004). One reason for this is because the country itself tends