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This 3-page paper answers questions about Chinese enterpreneurs, based on Kellee Tsai's lectures. The discussion includes differences between Loyaly Accepting, Grudgingly Accepting and Assertive groups.
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and this lack of formalization or unity hinders any progress toward democracy. However, why havent smaller sects of the entrepreneurial class not unified under similar identities, interests, and attitudes? Do
you think that smaller groups that unified could make a difference? Why or why not? The answer to this lies in the
answer to the Asian culture, which is unity, rather than standing out. The Chinese are very large believers in "groupthink" - in other words, a holistic view in which no
one stands out, but everyone blends into a cohesive group. This is why, incidentally, Chinese entrepreneurism is an interesting subject - as mentioned in the lecture, entrepreneurs, by their very
nature, stand out, come up with new ideas, and tend not to go with the status quo or group; in other words, everything that the typical Chinese worker is not.
As to why smaller sects havent unified under similar identities, its likely theres a fear that even uniting in under a smaller
banner would end up creating somewhat of an outcast type of experience. Smaller sects of entrepreneurs arent part of the larger group - and by that very definition, this makes
these smaller groups "different." The Chinese will do almost anything to avoid being different from the whole of an organization or group.
The next question here is whether smaller groups unifying could make a difference, and the answer here is yes. If the groups can find some common ground, and then come
together around that banner (such as a merchants guild), then the group could make a difference. However, what we also need to ask is whether Chinese society would accept that