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This 2 page paper provides a look at the demographics of Philadelphia. Is opening a business in the city a reasonable goal? Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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research the area as well as business type to see if the move is prudent. Hence, it would be beneficial for this firm to research Philadelphia business practices where
the store will be opened as well as to have an understanding of the makeup of the area. Aspects such as race, gender, religion and other demographic or economic information
should be compiled. In looking at statistics for the region, it becomes clear that males outweigh females. It has been reported that approximately 46% ("Philadelphia City," 2003, p.PG)of the
population is male and 54% (2003, p.PG) is female. To some extent, it is believed that more males are engaged in computer science and work with computers. Much of that
evidence is anecdotal, but should still be considered. The median age in Philadelphia is 34.2 years (2003, p.PG). Although not quite middle aged, the thirtysomething age group is slightly older
than what is desirable for computer related fare. Although the demographics are not conducive to computer work, the growing population provides promising prospects for any business. In the year 2000,
Philadelphia placed sixth in terms of population and boasted 6.2 million people ("Population Change," 2003, p.PG). It was only surpassed by New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C. and San
Francisco (2003). While understanding demographics is key, particularly as it concerns computers, other factors are significant. During 2003, the recession is slowly coming to an end, but there is still
widespread unemployment and a dismal economic forecast. How is Philadelphia getting through these poor economic times? First, it should be noted that the Philadelphia region usually fares worse than the
whole nation during recessions (Karp, 2003). Although the city was hit hard this time as well, factories plan to hire soon (2003). This may indicate a better turn of