Sample Essay on:
Buchanan County

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

10 pages in length. This is a paper specific to the student's specifications and will not benefit anyone else. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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10 pages (~225 words per page)

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guides their lives by way of Gods direct intervention; His influence is omnipotent in their eyes. Living within what is termed the "Bible belt," residents of Buchanan County uphold strict religious principles pertaining to their daily behavior by eschewing such deviance as dancing, drinking, smoking or being in public without holding a Bible. The Protestant ethic also dictates certain dietary choices to avoid, hard work, thriftiness and unyielding commitment to ones calling. The adolescent population of today has been granted some concession when it comes to following this ethic to the letter, being allowed to eat otherwise biblically forbidden consumables as shellfish and hamburgers; tattoos have also been marginally accepted in the contemporary sense but are still frowned upon by the more devout, older population. Teens are very much like adolescents across the country in that they are focused upon their needs and wants, as well as the socially and emotionally engaging element of peer approval. Incidents that occur during the formative adolescent years are ones that remain with a person for the rest of his or her life. Peer groups are instrumental in providing both the negative and positive side of acceptance -- a part of social interaction every teen must endure. For the most part, peer groups are formed out of a similarity in interests and personality behavior, and Buchanan County teens are no different other than the added component of including devout faith in their social connectors. For a Buchanan County adolescent just beginning to develop a sense of himself and his social significance, peer groups provide that measure of acceptance every youth aspires to achieve. These formations of like-minded and similarly aged teens represent the onset of adulthood as they help to ...

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