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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper examines the process of brushing teeth in a step by step process looking at the difficulties and challenges that may be present when an individual may not have use of their dominant hand.
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task can become more difficult. For example, cleaning teeth is a task that most people will undertake at least twice a day and have been doing so since they were
small children. The usual process is for the dominant hand to put the toothpaste onto the toothbrush and then use the dominant hand to brush the teeth, however when breaking
this down it becomes a more complex task that is more difficult than may appear when performing the task with the non dominant hand. In this paper we will assume
that the right hand is the dominant hand, so will make reference to the left hand as the non dominant hand1. The first stage of brushing the teeth is
to get out the tooth brush; this is easily achieved with either hand, although co-ordination with the non dominant hand may be a little clumsier and is likely to be
more prone to knock other items in the bathroom. The next stage is to put the toothpaste onto the toothbrush. Using only one hand the toothbrush will need to be
out somewhere stable to it will stay still as the toothpaste is out onto the brush. Then has to be opened, the toothpaste tube may be placed thon the sink
or under the arm, or if possible the other hand may be used to hold the tube and the toothpaste lid is removed with the left hand. The left hand
is then used to squeeze the toothpaste onto the toothbrush. This process involves co-ordination of the toothpaste going onto the right place at the same time as controlling pressure in
the toothpaste tube so that it comes out at the right speed. This stage of the task is likely to feel clumsy and difficult, but it is manageable. However,