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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that discusses the various components that make up Bronfenbrenner's model and how this applies to a child with autism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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optimize their childs development (Blackwell and Niederhauser 36). In providing this guidance, Bronfenbrenners ecological theory (BET) of child development provides a useful frame for addressing this complex task. BET considers
child development from the perspective of being nested within a series of interrelated layers of environment, acknowledging that it is the childs unique pattern of biological development, occurring within the
environment of the family and community that provides the greater influence on development, but also that changes in the societal landscape, as a whole, can cause effects in all subsequent
layers (Paquette and Ryan). The first element in the BET framework is the microsystem. This refers to the childs immediate environment. In addition to the family, this environmental
factor includes such elements as daycare, schools, any religious affiliation, in short the immediate context of the community in which the child is being raised (Paquette and Ryan). However, the
primary focus of the microsystem is the family and within this context, there are interventions that parents can undertake within the context of a childs everyday activities that promote child
development (Kashinath, Woods and Goldstein 466). For example, in regards to speech production, parents can arrange the childs environment in a manner that promotes interaction, such as putting favorite
toys out of reach, but still visible to the child. This requires the child to ask for assistance in retrieving the toy (Kashinath, Woods and Goldstein 466). Research provides a
long list of strategies that can be embedded in daily routines that promote development in autistic children (Kashinath, Woods and Goldstein 466). As this suggests, parental education is a crucial
component of aiding autistic children within the microsystem. The mesosystem in the BET model refers to the connections that tie together the structures in the childs microsystem (Paquette and