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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page research paper that examines the problems of creating brand name recognition and loyalty in today's marketplace, where products are often similar with little to differentiate between them. The writer discusses branding within this environment. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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clothes, and bought ice for refrigeration. Industrialization brought radical changes to the manner in which people live, establishing a new paradigm, in which people buy products and use labor saving
devices rather than doing the work themselves. Since this new paradigm is well established, the pace of change in household products and consumption over the coming decades will not
be nearly as great as it was in the first few decades of the twentieth century. New products -- for the most part -- do not evolve from radical
innovation, but rather tend toward incremental improvements in already existing products -- a new flavor in a food product, a more convenient packaging, etc. This means that there is a
plethora of products on the market that are all very similar. This makes the problem of establishing brand loyalty among consumers extremely problematic for manufacturers. The art of establishing
brand-name recognition for a product and a manufacturer is known as "branding." Numerous experts acknowledge that successful "branding" of a product or service is intrinsic to achieving and retaining
customer loyalty. This process "involves making the brand bigger than the product," according to Bob Wehling, the global marketing officer for Procter and Gamble (Finnigan, 2000). A successful brand
name gives consumers a reason to favor one product over another of similar quality and price. A brand name can have both a functional and an emotion relationship with the
consumer (Finnigan, 2000). Longtime marketing consultant Hal Spielman states that "Brand is what you make your money at, brand is what has the franchise...Product is something that comes out
of a laboratory-they can be made very competitive. What carries you forward? The brand" (Finnigan, 2000, p. 19). The big question for business is how to establish brand loyalty