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This 5 page paper compares and contrasts the film Nosferatu, with Stoker's novel Dracula, on which it is based. Mood, themes, plot and characterization are discussed as well as each work's contribution to the proliferation of the vampire myth. No additional sources cited.
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A Source Bram Stokers Dracula and F.W. Murnaus Nosferatu By Anastasia, for - February, 2000
paper properly! The legends of vampires have attracted audiences of all ages, world wide, for decades. Most recently, Anne Rice
thrilled readers with modern vampires who remembered their beginnings centuries ago. Their lifestyles are exemplified in the pages of her series of books and they are portrayed as sensual beings
with human qualities. But she was not the first to captivate audiences. Bram Stoker wrote his version of the vampire story in the form of a diary. The plot
centers around the main character Count Dracula who lives in England. The characters who are in the path of this vampire are also critical to the plot. When Lucy becomes
a vampire, for example, the plot thickens. It makes possible the idea that Dracula is not alone in his plight. Although there is evidence earlier on in the story, it
is Lucy who so demonstratively seals her fate. There are sexual undertones and gender is clearly important. The ideation that vampires can only be men is dismissed. Stokers writing
is of excellent quality which is likely why it quickly became a classic, and one which others emulate. The ending is satisfying. Stoker wraps up everything in a nice, tidy
package, something which is often not done for readers. Even the filmed version to which this classic work will be compared, leaves audiences wanting more. Stokers characters are colorful.
Some are needy while others exhibit strength. Many succumb to their desires and perhaps this is an underlying theme of the work. Jonathan Harker and his group, who try to