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Book Review: "The Nature Of Leadership" By Antonakis et al

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

4 pages in length. In The Nature of Leadership, Antonakis et al (2004) strive - and successfully achieve - their objective to review and assess the greater details of myriad leadership theories. Infusing appraisals with candid evaluations of contextual and ethical considerations, the editors collectively provide a broad reaching measurement of what leadership theories are being employed in today's organizational environment. No additional sources cited.

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Infusing appraisals with candid evaluations of contextual and ethical considerations, the editors collectively provide a broad-reaching measurement of what leadership theories are being employed in todays organizational environment and what may play a part in future leadership philosophies, as well. One major theme is how the editors endeavor to apply leadership theories to everyday situations that exist apart from the business environment by illustrating how both social sciences and the humanities must also incorporate leadership techniques. Antonakis et al (2004) offer considerable insight to the often-overlooked aspect of management issues in virtually every aspect of life, pointing out that while the business environment is indeed the primary place where leadership theories are utilized to an extreme, those disciplines such as social sciences and - perhaps even more importantly - the humanities require just as much guiding leadership principles as does standard commerce. "...More scholars from the humanities have entered the field, and more leadership scholars are doing interdisciplinary work. This is a substantial development because the humanities give us a different kind of knowledge than do the sciences and social sciences. The humanities provide a larger context in which we can synthesize what we know about leadership. This context also shows us patterns of leadership that we can use to analyze contemporary problems" (Antonakis et al, 2004, p. 304). Concepts include integrating the often-overwhelming sea of leadership theories that abound so as to offer a more definitive understanding that escapes many who struggle to gain a better awareness of its true meaning and application. The basis upon which effective leaders are empowered does not always equate with placing the right person in the position; in fact, the extent to ...

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