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Book Review: "The Nature Of Leadership" By Antonakis Et Al

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4 pages in length. A primary theme that separates The Nature of Leadership edited by Antonakis et al (2004) from many other management books is how the very aspect of leadership extends far beyond the finite scope of business. Incorporating the humanities and social sciences into the overall impact of effective leadership allows the editors to expand readers' understanding of how the fundamental basis of guidance - managerial or otherwise - exists in virtually every facet of life; Antonakis et al (2004) clearly illustrate that if people are not inclined to respect and follow those in the position of leadership in any of these areas, no objective - regardless of how seemingly insignificant - will be achieved. In this vein, the editors highlight articles that illustrate individualistic North American leadership values over and above a more collective approach valued by various other parts of the world. No additional sources cited.

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of leadership extends far beyond the finite scope of business organizations. Incorporating the humanities and social sciences into the overall impact of effective leadership allows the editors to expand readers understanding of how the fundamental basis of guidance - managerial or otherwise - exists in virtually every facet of life; Antonakis et al (2004) clearly illustrate that if people are not inclined to respect and follow those in the position of leadership in any of these areas, no objective - regardless of how seemingly insignificant - will be achieved. In this vein, Antonakis et al (2004) highlight articles that illustrate individualistic North American leadership values over and above a more collective approach valued by various other parts of the world. "Research conducted elsewhere often directly applies leadership models and measures developed in North America. However, it has long been noted that the applicability of theories and concepts developed in one part of the world, such as the United States, should not be taken for granted when applied in substantially different cultures...U.S. management theories contain several idiosyncrasies...not necessarily shared elsewhere" (Antonakis et al, 2004, p. 253). The compilation of articles in this book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of varying aspects associated with leadership, concepts that include defining/assessing, transforming, developing and gender impact. Antonakis et al (2004) provide Eagly and Carlis piece entitled Women and Men as Leaders to illustrate the chasm that continues to exist between the genders with regard to leadership. The notion of human capital plays an integral role in the understanding of why there is still such a palpable differentiation between men and women when it has been proven beyond a doubt how women are just as competent leaders as their male counterparts. In short, the aspect ...

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