Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Book Review: "Leading At A Higher Level" By Blanchard. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
4 pages in length. Ken Blanchard's Leading at a Higher Level encapsulates twenty-five years of the industry-leading management guru's most successful and time-tested approaches to leadership. Author of one of the most well-received organizational manuals - The One Minute Manager - Blanchard (2006) has a wealth of knowledge and application from which to draw in this compilation of proven techniques. No additional sources cited.
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organizational manuals - The One Minute Manager - Blanchard (2006) has a wealth of knowledge and application from which to draw in this compilation of proven techniques. Major themes include
overcoming the autocratic approach to power in exchange for collaboration from all levels. In short, Blanchards (2006) primary message that recurs time and again throughout the book is how
a good manager attempting to use power to accomplish a particular goal is expected to keep team members always on the edge of what is comfortable - always learning, always
encourage, always communicating. "In high performing organizations, power and decision making are shared and distributed throughout the organization, not guarded at the top of the hierarchy. Participation, collaboration,
and teamwork are a way of life. When people feel valued and respected for their contributions, are allowed to make decisions that impact their lives, and have access to
information to make good decisions, they can and will function as valuable contributors to the purpose and vision of the organization" (Blanchard, 2006, p. 13).
Blanchards (2006) primary message is that power within the corporate world does not necessarily equate with autocracy; rather, some of the most successful and productive leaders know
clout means having the ability to empower workers and achieve goals. Things a leader needs to consider when attempting to use power to accomplish a given objective include communication,
diversity and a holistic approach to the purpose. Blanchards (2006) concepts speak to how effective business communication is an essential component in todays
commerce. Without it there can be little if any cohesion among employees, management and the ultimate goal. In order to establish this basis of communication within the workplace,