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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper. Much more attention has been paid to the psychosocial effects of bipolar than to the cognitive effects. This essay discusses research about how bipolar affects cognitive functioning even when the patient is in remission. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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quickly switch from states of extreme mania to states of extreme depression. It is a disease that affects all age groups. The incidence in children and adolescents is alarming. According
to a report from the Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation (2007) more than one million children and youth are afflicted with bipolar disorder and many remain undiagnosed. Undiagnosed bipolar
disorder is especially dangerous for the child or teenager. Their dramatic mood swings, inability to think and concentrate, the manic type behavior can all be misinterpreted by their teachers and
parents. This is a disorder that left untreated can lead to suicide and substance abuse (Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). It obviously leads to school failure. In fact, this
same organization reported the mortality rate for bipolar disorder is even higher than certain cancers children get (Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). The disease may manifest itself differently in
children. Instead of the typical display and feeling of sadness, a child may simply withdraw and seem irritable (Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). At the other end, when in
a manic state, the child will have grandiose thinking and racing speech (Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). Because of the symptoms, some bipolar children are misdiagnosed as ADHD (Child
& Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). The advanced imaging technologies have allowed scientists to scan the brains of bipolar patients. These studies have found there are differences in brain images of
people who have bipolar disorder and those who do not (Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation, 2007). A number of studies have been conducted to determine the effects of each the
manic and depressive states on cognitive functioning. Martinez -Aran and colleagues (2004) looked at a number of domains in cognitive functioning. Verbal memory was one of the domains they found