Sample Essay on:
Bipolar Disorder

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 10 page research paper that discusses bipolar disorder Examination of literature on this topic indicates some of what has been learned in treating bipolar disorder, and this information suggests conclusions as to how nurses can improve their practice and care of these patients. The writer offers a summary of four relevant studies. Bibliography lists 9 sources.

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to its "definition, boundaries, mechanisms, and treatment," there continues to be considerable debate, which includes the fact that "there is no objective measure that can determine that one has bipolar disorder or does not have it" (Swann, 2006, p. 177). The current definition of bipolar and its affective symptoms, as indicated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), which is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), are believed to be "high reliable," but also problematic because this definition requires the experience of a maniac episode prior to making this diagnosis and, for most patients, the illness begins with depression (Swann, 2006, p. 177). According to the DSM-IV, bipolar, which is also known as "manic-depressive illness," is characterized by "extreme mood swings with episodes of mania and depression or a mix of both" (Murphy, 2006, p. 58). It is a topic that is highly relevant to nursing practice as this disorder affects roughly 2.6 percent of individuals aged 18 and older; therefore, it is highly likely that at some point a nurse will be assigned to care for someone with bipolar (Murphy, 2006). The current understanding of bipolar is based on the behavior of patients and their reports of depressive and manic symptoms, but there is very little information about predisposes people to these episodes (Swann, 2006). Therefore, for the most part, nursing and medical care for bipolar patients, at the present time, largely concerns strategies for coping with symptoms, rather than addressing the root causes of the disorder, which are currently being investigated by researchers. Examination of literature on this topic indicates some of what has been learned in treating bipolar disorder, and this information suggests conclusions as to how nurses can improve their practice and care of these patients. Discussion of ...

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