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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
11 pages in length. Like so many others who grow up a minority surrounded by the constant inequity of racial and cultural divide, Ida B. Wells was outraged by the society in which she lived. Unlike most others, however, Wells did not sit idly by and merely complain about the intolerable situation; a young, black woman with a fire lit beneath her very being, she used her talents as a writer and her courage as a young, defiant black woman to make a mark in history that preceded the likes of Rosa Parks and other more contemporary suffragettes. Her passion was justified when she successfully brought lynching to national attention and ultimately played an integral role in its decline near the end of the twentieth century. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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Unlike most others, however, Wells did not sit idly by and merely complain about the intolerable situation; a young, black woman with a fire lit beneath her very being, she
used her talents as a writer and her courage as a young, defiant black woman to make a mark in history that preceded the likes of Rosa Parks and other
more contemporary suffragettes. Her passion was justified when she successfully brought lynching to national attention and ultimately played an integral role in its decline near the end of the
twentieth century (Sanders, 2007). Ida B. Wells, along with the NAACP and other early 20th-century civic organizations, worked tirelessly to expose false and inflammatory accusations and to expose ways
that white vigilante justice was used in the U.S. South as a method of social control over African Americans (Whitted, 2004, p. 379). Mississippi born Ida B. Wells experienced
a great deal of emotional pain and suffering within just a few years of her birth in 1862 when much of her family died from yellow fever when she was
just a youth. Even at that tender age, Wells had the fortitude of someone three times her size and twice her age; in fact, she had more gumption than
most adults, refusing to allow adversity stand in the way of what she knew had to be done. Her parents had a tremendous influence over the path Wells would
ultimately take in life; their dual contribution of solid values, compassion toward others, religion, hard work and education molded Wells into a person who embodied the best of both her
parents qualities (Biography Resource Center, 2001). This lifelong doggedness is what ultimately thrust Wells into the history books of virtually every school child in the United States and has