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Benjamin Franklin: American Revolution to the Constitution

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page paper which examines the life and works of Benjamin Franklin from the time of the American Revolution to the signing of the Constitution. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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5 pages (~225 words per page)

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United States. He was not only a politician who helped create the land in which we live, but also an incredible inventor who shaped our technology today. It is often presumed that his most important time was from the Revolutionary War to the establishment of the United States through the Constitution. In the following paper we examine this time in his life, illustrating his attitudes and his level of involvement. American Revolution to the Constitution It was in 1757 that Franklin went to "England to petition the king for the right to levy taxes. He remained in England for the next five years, as the representative of the American colonies" (Sahlman, 2002; 2FFranklin.html). He also involved himself in other political actions that would make the transition of the United States a less revolutionary one. However, this was not to work and in "1775, with war seemingly inevitable, Franklin returned to America" (Sahlman, 2002; 2FFranklin.html). He had been gone from the states for 11 years and after arriving back in America he found that "the opening engagements of the Revolution-the battles of Lexington and Concord-had already been fought. He was chosen a member of the Second Continental Congress, serving on ten of its committees, and was made postmaster general, an office he held for one year" (Anonymous Benjamin Franklin, 2002; franklin.htm). In the year 1775 he traveled to Canada in the hopes of gaining the support of their people. It was a trip that proved unsuccessful and "Upon his return, he became one of the committee of five chosen to draft the Declaration of Independence. He was also one of the signers of that historic document, addressing the assembly with the characteristic statement: We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately" (Anonymous Benjamin ...

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