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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper assessing the statement, "A low per capita income will render the market useless" for the international hospitality industry. The paper uses Belize as its example, and concludes that here is no justification for rejecting a destination solely on the basis of present per capita income. Rather, tourism development can build the local economy and improve income realities for citizens of the local area without introducing the fouling that can result from industrial activity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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a tiny nation of Central America, nestled on the Caribbean Sea in the curve occupied by Honduras, Guatemala and the extreme southern tip of Mexico. Superficially a tropical paradise
sprinkled with white powder beaches, Mayan ruins, unspoiled jungle and a highly diverse ecosystem, per capita income still was only $7,900 annually in 2007 (Belize 2008).
Even though it has all the makings of an attractive tourist destination, the view "A low per capita income will render the market useless" will prevent hospitality
companies or resort developers from considering entering the tiny nation. The purpose here is to demonstrate the untruth of the per capita statement. Belize
As its close neighbor Costa Rica did years ago, Belize has been promoting tourism as an important economic sector for years, rather than strive to develop industry that
can threaten to destroy its natural beauty and the intricate ecosystems that include mountains, beach, rainforest and everything in between in a land area that is slightly smaller than the
US state of Massachusetts (Belize 2008). More than a third of the 301,270 people who live in Belize live beneath the poverty line (Belize 2008), and fewer than 77
percent of those over the age of 15 can read and write (Belize 2008). Tourist Accommodations Superficially, it could appear that Belize may
not be attractive to hotel operators. Even so, "Unpaved roads, high prices and a lack of infrastructure make it a difficult place to travel, but Belize compensates with brilliant
diving, dramatic ruins and pristine jungle" (Belize: Overview). The result is that Belize has dozens of hotels, ranging in price from under $100