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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper which examines the accounting profession, the opportunities available for accountants, education and skills required, current development within the industry, and long-term occupational outlook. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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to ensure accuracy, legality, efficiency, and propriety (Accountants and Auditors). The term accountant defies a single definition because the profession is extremely broad-based, and can be general or cover
more specific financial, taxation, auditing, and consulting business practices (Carey 31). General accounting is where an accountants duties include posting journal/ledger entries, monitoring receivable and payable accounts, reconciliation, charting
investment progress, and tracking amortization schedules (Carey 31). Financial analysis is a more research-oriented field, and involves comparative income/expenditure budget analysis and balance sheets (Carey 31). Taxation, as
its name implies, involves tax preparation and submissions, along with providing information to clients and for authorization purposes (Carey 31). Auditing ensures that corporate accounting policies are in keeping
with the standard in accordance with the government and Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP) (Carey 31). Consulting is when an accountant advises on ways of achieving greater financial profits
either personally or professionally (Carey 31). Over 25 percent of the accountants in the United States work in bookkeeping, payroll, or tax preparation (Kingsbury 56). They are classified as
public, management, or government accountants, with many also providing auditing services to their clients (Accountants and Auditors. Public accountants are quite versatile in that they perform all types of
general and specific functions, and may work virtually anywhere (Accountants and Auditors). Many are also taking advantage of opportunities to serve as personal financial advisors, which goes beyond standard
accounting and tax recommendations, but also includes personal budget preparation, asset management and financial strategies, and developing tax shelters and retirement plans (Accountants and Auditors). Many public accountants are
also Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) (Accountants and Auditors). Accountants that work in management are also known as "cost, industrial, corporate, or private accountants" (Accountants and Auditors). Their duties