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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper considers the marketing of L’Oreal, how it is undertaken, who the target market are, how they are reached and why the advertising is so successful. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
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success, one of which is the creative and successful marketing. The marketing is the way in which communication is sent by the company to the potential consumers in order to
stimulate the desire to purchase goods. One of the most successful and longest running campaigns for any goods in this market id the LOreal "because Im Worth It". This is
a campaign that has been used in many areas, both developing and developed markets and has met with success universally. This was a creative yet simple concept that has stood
the test of time. In understanding how and why this campaign has continued without becoming stale the product and its core values can be considered, as can the target market
and the way in which the product is marketed to this audience within the advertising campign. The products sold by LOreal are limited, there is a regionalisation of the brands,
with the use of local brand names retained in some areas, but the overall image remaining the same, There are a number of brands within the LOreal camp, these include
brands such as Laboratoires Garnier, Maybelline, Redken, Lanc?me, Helena Rubinstein, Biotherm, Vichy and Ralph Lauren Parfums. These may then be used in the most suitable manner. For example, in Japan
Maybelline in the dominant brand (Coates, 2002). Overall, there is a concentration the core competences, with 86% of sales coming from only 10 brands and fourteen brands making up 94%
of the companys turnover (Manager Magazine, 2002). The use of the phase is key to the success, it portrays an image and an ideal. Everyone wants to feel of
value, and as the goods are at a higher than average price this gives an impression of value and the impression that to buy anything less would be settling for