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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 10 page paper. This essay reports and discusses the BASC-2: what it is, purpose, reliability, validity, what changed in the revision, the different forms, behaviors and feelings it measures, and other information about this comprehensive assessment tool. The writer briefly reports some research studies to demonstrate the versatility of the BASC-2. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
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of these instruments assess a large range of characteristics, traits and behaviors exhibited by children and adolescents. They also assess or evaluate the degree to which the individual has negative
or positive traits. They have all been normed on the populations for which they are intended. The importance of these kinds of assessments cannot be overstated when a child
or adolescent is exhibiting behaviors that are not typical for their age. The Behavior Assessment System for Children, 2nd Revision (BASC-2) was developed as a multi-dimensional tool that provides a
significant amount of information to the clinician, and then, to the teacher/school and/or parent. This essay reports, describes and discusses the aspects of the BASC-2. It explains the different
forms and age ranges for each of the assessments. The essay reports reliability, validity and consistency data regarding the BASC-2. Different research studies are reported to demonstrate the versatility of
this assessment tool. Description and Information about BASC-2 The Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition (BASC-2) is a norm-referenced, multi-dimensional comprehensive assessment that can be used with ages
2 through 25 (ECMERC, 2008; Pearson Education, 2008). The original BASC, written by Dr. Cecil R. Reynolds and Dr. Randy W. Kamphaus in 1992 was revised in 2004 by the
same authors (Australian Council for Educational Research, 2008; Rush, First and Blacker, 2007). The second edition of the BASC extended the age limit from 21 to 25, it modified the
parenting relationship questionnaire, included a self-report of personality for children between the ages of 6 and 7, and up-dated the portable observation program so that it could be downloaded
to a PDA or computer and it was re-normed (Australian Council for Educational Research, 2008; Pearson Education, 2008). The BASC-2 was normed on two different populations. The first was a