Sample Essay on:
Barriers to EBP in Nursing

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that describes and discusses barriers to empirically based practice (EBP). Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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till around 2002-03 (Hanberg and Brown 249). As this suggests, there are numerous barriers in healthcare institutions that have been cited by nurses that serve to slow the implementation of empirically based practice (EBP). For example, nurses cited: time factors, limited access to the literature, lack of confidence in the staffs ability to critically evaluate empirical research, limited interest in scientific inquiry, a work environment that does not support or value EBP, inadequate research resources, and limited authority or power to change practice based on research findings (Hockenberry, Wilson and Barrera 371). Additionally, research shows that nurses relate that they feel intimidated by the challenge of initiating EBP and discerning data within their own practice due to limited knowledge of the research process (Hockenberry, Wilson and Barrera 371). They also feel, in many cases, that nurses lack the power and authority to institute changes in procedures within their practice settings (Hockenberry, Wilson and Barrera 371). As the assignment calls for the student to relate the barriers that exist in the students practice setting, the student should select from which barriers apply and briefly discuss them. For example, lets say that the student works in a setting where colleagues are resistant to using EBP, the student relate something like the following: In my practice setting, a major barrier against using EBP is that it takes an inordinate amount of time. This is due to a general lack of knowledge about resources available on the Internet that facilitate researching any topic using scholarly, peer-reviewed articles, combined with a lack of time, in general, in these nurses lives. As our clinic is short-staffed, a frequent rebuttal to EBP is that the nurse does not have to go to the restroom, much less research an issue online, as patient care. ...

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