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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper provides a citation and summary for an article entitled BNP Assays: Predicting the Future of CHF Patients that appears in a 2006 issue of The Nurse Practitioner. No other sources are used.
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who live in America live with heart failure and then goes on to explain the reason for the rise in cases. Authors claim that the increase in the number of
HF patients is due to the fact that the population is aging and explain that survival is attributable to a number of factors such as gender. Authors go on to
say that primary care is often where the diagnosis is initially made. While about one fifth of patients die within one year of diagnosis, the outlook for a specific patient
is often tied to when the condition is detected. Authors go on to explain that if better diagnostic testing methods were available to the general populous, there would be an
improvement in the general outcome. The authors go on to look at certain factors that may help in diagnosis and treatment of heart failure. They say that brain natriuretic
peptide is something that is released by ventricles when the system is overloaded, and that patients with heart failure will see elevated levels of BNP. Authors report that studies have
relieved that monitoring of these levels may be useful in treating and managing heart failure. It is also seems to be helpful in predicting mortality and morbidity. Authors provide a
section to explain and explore the existence of natriuretic peptides. Another section is present entitled Using BNP as a Diagnostic Tool. A Nursing Implications section provides relevant advice, suggesting that
the use of BNP assays in the evaluation of patients who present with dyspnea may allow clinicians the ability to detect heart failure early. Also, because the levels will also
be able to indicate exacerbations of chronic heart failure, the need for emergent care will be reduced. In other words, when using BNP assays in the diagnostic process, there will