Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on BIPOLAR DISORDER AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT/SOCIALIZATION. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4-page paper discusses human development and socialization, and the impact of bipolar disorder on these topics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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it comes to development of a human being: As a biological individual, as a social actor and as a reflective subject. The more an individual interacts with his environment, the
more the person develops (both in a positive and negative sense, depending on the condition of the environment (Karli, 2008). Furthermore Maynard (2009)
in her discussion about cognitive operations is also pretty emphatic that social interaction is of the utmost importance with it comes to positive development. This is why, for example, the
Montessori concept tends to be so widely accepted. Such schools not only focus on interaction between peers of the same age, but interaction between peers at different ages, maturity and
age levels. Such interactions tend to foster positive development for all who are involved. Even as adults, people are social animals, who end up benefitting from frequent interactions with others.
But what happens when we throw the wrinkle of bipolar disorder into the idea of human development? Bipolar disorder, also known as
manic depression, is a brain disorder resulting in mood swings, changing activity levels and inconsistency when it comes to carrying out every day tasks (Bipolar Disorder, 2010). The person with
bipolar disorder experiences either an overexcited or overjoyful state (manic episode) or a hopeless or extremely sad state (depressive episode) (Bipolar Disorder, 2010). The symptoms on both ends can be
so severe, that the person cant function normally at work, at home, in school or even in life (Bipolar Disorder, 2010). Adding to this situation is that bipolar disorder can
exist in tandem with other diseases such as substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Bipolar Disorder, 2010). In fact, ADHD can often exhibit symptoms