Sample Essay on:
Avoiding Restraint and Seclusion

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page paper discussing the meaning of the phrase, "least restrictive alternative." The principle requires that psychiatric nurses strive to avoid restraints or seclusion as means of controlling the behavior of aggressive patients. The bottom line is that the patient is treated with the full extent of dignity possible while also keeping other patients and staff members safe from aggressive behavior. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

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the "least restrictive alternative" requires that psychiatric nurses strive to avoid restraints or seclusion as means of controlling the behavior of aggressive patients. The restraints to be avoided may be physical, chemical or both; the principle of using the "least restrictive alternative" requires that the nurse first strive to employ behavioral-based approaches to bringing the patient back to center. The bottom line is that the patient is treated with the full extent of dignity possible while also keeping other patients and staff members safe from aggressive behavior. Assessment and Determination The American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) The APNA states that there were even professional journal articles published in the 1940s, 1960s, 1970s and early 1990s in which "psychiatrists in the United States concluded that restraints could never be eliminated in the United States" (Seclusion and Restraint Position Paper, n.d.) and that the notion remains persistent even today. The rationale for this perspective is that both seclusion and physical restraint are effective in preventing injury and reducing agitation, both within the individual patient and for those around him. The APNA observes that the observations leading to this common conclusion are applied in faulty research design. It is "not grounded in research that supports the therapeutic efficacy of this intervention, but upon the observation that the intervention interrupts and controls the patients behavior" (Seclusion and Restraint Position Paper, n.d.). More recent research dating from the late 1980s and early 1990s leads to questions regarding the "therapeutic benefit of secluding and restraining psychiatric patients" (Seclusion and Restraint Position Paper, n.d.). Further, it has been suggested that the use of restraints and seclusion violates the basic principles of patient right to autonomy and self-determination ...

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