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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 12 page research paper that discusses various issues and policy considerations regarding immunization, with a focus on Australia. Bibliography lists 11 sources and includes one table.
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12 pages (~225 words per page)
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a nurse obtaining valid consent to proceed with immunization. The term "valid consent" refers to a "voluntary agreement" made by the individual after having received all "appropriate and reliable information"
concerning a proposed procedure (AIH 12). The individual giving consent must be of legal age and also have the intellectual capacity to understand the information that the nurse presents. Valid
consent for minors must, of course, be obtained from parents or legal guardians and the same requirements apply towards them. The age of majority is 18 in virtually all Australian
states and territories, with the following exceptions: New South Wales, age 14; South Australia, age 16; and Northern Territory, age 16 (AIH 12). Consent has to be obtained for each
vaccination (AIH 12). Documentation following immunization: Vaccination policies are established in Australia not by the federal government, but by the various states and territories. Therefore, there is often considerable
difference between locations, and nurses should be aware of the laws and regulations that apply to their particular site of practice. In six of the eight Australian states and territories,
the law requires "provider-authenticated documentation" that children have received all of their mandated vaccinations prior to entering school (Salmon, et al 436). These six states and territories require that children
should the MMR immunization series (measles, mumps, rubella); the DTP series (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) and the polio vaccine prior to school attendance (Salmon, et al 436). A copy of
the required documentation that these vaccinations were administered should be forwarded to the Australian Childhood Immunization Register (ACIR)(AIH 58). Naturally, parents or legal guardians receive a copy of this documentation
and it is also recorded within the childs record kept at the particular healthcare facility where the immunizations are administered (AIH 58). This documentation should contain the following information. 1.