Sample Essay on:
Augustine as Prodigal Son/Confessions

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A 6 page essay that argues that Augustine in his autobiographical Confessions uses the template provided by the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 as his underling structure and purpose in providing his life story. Augustine is brutally honest about his life before his conversion to Christianity. In fact, Augustine essentially offers the example of his own life as being analogous to that of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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to be highly influential to the generations of Christians that have come after him. However, Augustine was careful never to portray himself as being in any way superior to his fellow believers. In his autobiographical Confessions, Augustine is brutally honest about his life before his conversion to Christianity. In fact, Augustine essentially offers the example of his own life as being analogous to that of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. This is evident in the fact that Augustine conceives of his early life as a life lived in error. In his Confessions, he discusses at length how he strayed from the path of righteousness laid out by Christian faith and which his mother instructed him. However, in finding Christ and being baptized, Augustine metaphorically returns to his Father through the sacrifice and redemption of Christ. In other words, just as the Prodigal Son parable offers hope that even the most wicked of men can be redeemed and welcomed by a loving Father; likewise, Augustine holds up the example of his own sinful early life for the edification, that is, the education, of his readers. Undoubtedly, the student researching this topic is familiar with the story of the Prodigal Son and how the young man in this moral tale was reduced to feeding pigs in order to survive. Augustine writes, "Where then, wast thou and how far from me? Far, indeed, was I wandering away from thee, being barred even from the husks of those swine whom I fed with husks" (1993). Clearly in this reference, Augustine is drawing a direct analogy between himself and Prodigal Son, comparing his early life metaphorically with that the young man in the parable because, on a spiritual level, Augustine was also some distance away from the God the Father. ...

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