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This 9 page paper helps a student to assess a project. The paper starts out by calculating the cash flow and then looks at the NPV and how it will be impacted by different inflation rates and the impact of changing set up costs.
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this for the students use in an a table, shown below. Cash flow looks at the actual cash flow and as such does not include elements such as deprecation. Year
0 is shown as the start up costs prior to trading. Rental costs are based on four floors with 100 spaces, making 400 spaces, 200 of which are rented
and 200 of which are casual. The projection for income and expenditure also include an assumption of inflation at 3%. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year
4 Year 5 Operating costs 200,000 206,000 212,180 218,545 225,102 Total outflow 200,000 206,000 212,180 218,545 225,102 Inflow Rented Spaces 360,000 412,000 424,360 437,091 450,204
Casual Spaces 378,000 454,230 534,693 550,734 567,256 Total Income 738,000 866,230 959,053 987,825 1,017,459 Net Income 538,000 660,230 746,873 769,279 792,358 Outflow has not included borrowings as it has
not been specified where the funds will come from for the net project. Question 2 If it is realised that 1/12 of the fees for the permanent parking
are carried as debts this will delay 1/12 of the rented spaces income for each year, making it the following where it is assumed that the 1/12 carried forward is
at the previous years rate. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Operating costs 200,000 206,000 212,180 218,545 225,102 0 Total outflow
200,000 206,000 212,180 218,545 225,102 0 Inflow Rented Spaces 330,000 407,666 423,299 436,029 449,111 37,517 Casual Spaces 378,000 454,230 534,693 550,734 567,256 Total
Income 708,000 861,896 957,992 986,763 1,016,367 37,517 Net Income 508,000 655,896 745,812 768,217 791,265 37,517 Question 3 a In estimating the WACC we need to make some assumption, for