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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 3 page research paper that discusses pain assessment and various means of control. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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et al, 2007). Therefore, nurses are advised to obtain a comprehensive baseline assessment when the nurse first interviews a patient (Siedlecki, 2004). This baseline assessment includes the nature of the
pain, that is, whether or not it is chronic or acute. Acute pain typically ends when healing is accomplished while chronic pain is ongoing (Siedlecki, 2004). Chronic pain can
be continuous or intermittent, as well as accompanied by episodes of acute pain (Siedlecki, 2004). The assessment should also include the time of day when pain is worse, as this
information can be incorporated into planned activities and pain management interventions (Siedlecki, 2004). The assessment should also include investigating whether or not associated symptoms are present, such as depression and
disability (i.e., such an inability to perform the activities of daily living) (Siedlecki, 2004). In brief, due to the fact that pain encompasses both sensory and physical factors, as well
as "emotional, cognitive, behavioral and cultural components," pain, which is a purely subjective experience, is "whatever the person says it is, and experienced whenever he or she is experiencing it"
(Sherman, et al, 2004, p. 107). However, there are periods in life when the self-report of the patient may not be accurate or give the healthcare provider a full overview
of the patients experience. This is generally due to the patients age and/or cognitive state. For example, a child may have difficulty describing either his or her pain or emotional
state. A good example of this is the difficulty that health providers encounter treating functional abdominal pain (FAP), which is also known as "recurrent abdominal pain" (RAP), refers to when
a child experiences repeated instances of pain within a three-month period that at a level that causes interference with normal childhood activities (Allen and Scholl, 2007). While the exact causes