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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper looks at three IT projects and then assesses them for implementation. The paper uses a fictitious company and looks at a project to create an employee intranet site, the development of an internet e-commerce site and the upgrading of an operating system. Each project is discussed, considering the drivers and needs and then assessed using a weighted scoring system. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
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9 pages (~225 words per page)
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with different groups within the company all believing their project is the most important and will give the greatest results. If we consider a company we will call Alpha Inc.,
where there is already a network in place, they make and distribute retail goods to the fishing industry, the target market is amateur fishermen.
The employees are split equally between factory and office due to high tech production processes. They also have a limited direct sales department. There are three projects currently
proposed, the first is the development of an internal intranet site for the employees to give out information and allow communication to take place with the use of links, such
as the completion of holiday request forms. The second is the sales department idea for an e-commerce site to sell good not only with a catalogue, but also through the
internet. The last proposal is the upgrading of the system to the latest windows operating system from the current system that is slightly out of date. In order to
assess the different project ideas the best approach is to examine each and then assess them against each other with the use of scoring with the scores weighted to reflect
the needs of the business. We will assess each individual and then compare the scores. The first proposal is an internal intranet site. The drivers for this is the
cutting of costs and increased internal efficiency. The idea is to develop a site that is only accessible from computers in the company buildings.
The web site would give out general data about the company and the activities, give news and information regarding news announcements, such as meetings, what the management are