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Article Summary/Diddle and Denham (2010)

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper/essay that offers a summary and evaluation of a literature conducted by Dibble and Denham (2010) on the relationship between Appalachian spirituality and health beliefs and practices. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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of this informative article and an evaluation of its value to nursing practice. The article begins by describing briefly what nursing literature relates generally in regards to spirituality and health care, as well as identifying the theoretical foundation for the investigation, which is the Family Health Model developed by Denham (2003). The next subheading is also broad in scope, as it discussing spirituality, nursing and health in more detail, offering some background information on the topics significance in nursing history. The authors then turn to describing Appalachia and its people. This section gives an overall picture of the geography and demographic profile, indicating that the Appalachian population is comprised primarily of non-Hispanic Whites, who make the majority of the population, with African Americans comprising the largest minority, also mentioning that an increasing number of Hispanics have been noted. The historic background of each of these groups in the region is briefly outlined. The authors also identify the family as the "key element of Appalachian rural society," noting also the "distinctive pride" that the people take in their "cultural heritage and homeplace" (Diddle and Denham, 2010, p. 177). The next section describes the prominent social value placed on religion and how their Protestant heritage draws largely on Calvinism. The discussion describes and links the values of the people to their spiritual beliefs, which includes fatalism, that is, the idea that what happens is beyond their control and must be placed in the hands of God. Then the authors specifically address the topic of health and illness in Appalachia, offering a comprehensive overview, indicating the health disparities that exist in the region. The authors found that spirituality had a profound affect on the health care decisions of individuals. For example, research shows that 78 percent of ...

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