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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page research study critique focuses on a study conducted by Bohomol, Ramos and D'Innocenzo (2009), entitled "Medication errors in an intensive care unit." Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Article Critique/Medication Errors in an ICU Research Compiled
By - properly! A critique of a
research article is "an impersonal evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the research being reviewed" (Coughlan, Cronin and Ryan, 2007). The following article critique reviews a study conducted by
Bohomol, Ramos and DInnocenzo, (2009), which examined the medication errors occurring within an intensive care unit (ICU). Purpose, problem and hypothesis It is significant to a research articles clarity
and relevance that the problem statement is clearly stated so that it communicates the studys purpose (Demko, 2001). In the research article authored by Bohomol, Ramos and DInnocenzo (2009), this
research team achieves this objective in the abstract by stating that the aim of their study was to investigate and determine the types and causative factors promoting medication errors in
an ICU. The authors point out that the incidence of medication errors within the United States healthcare system has been recognized as a problem since the 1960s, but that
this problem has garnered an increased level of attention since To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System was published in 2000. As this suggests, the researchers are thorough
in delineating and describing the parameters of the studys purpose and the problem it addresses, both in regards to the US and in regards to Brazil, which is where the
study was conducted. While a well-formulated hypothesis is necessary in regards to experimental and quasi-experimental studies, as it forms a "link between