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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page article critique provides a summary and analysis of the major points of the research study conducted by Healey-Ogden and Austin (2011). The study concerned the nature of well-being. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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research question, therefore, was in inquiry into the specific nature of well-being as lived experience. As this indicates, the central concept that was investigated was the concept of well-being, which
is closely associated and sometimes used interchangeably with the concepts of health and wellness; however, the authors introduce the idea that well-being is also conceptualized as a distinct experience apart
from these qualities. Their study investigates this hypothesis. Study design: The study utilized a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, which is evident, first of all, because the authors explicitly state that
this is so, but also because their study findings fit with the description of a hermeneutic phenomenological approach by interpreting the lived experiences and conceptualizations evident in the studys data.
Methods Published accounts of peoples experiences regarding the phenomenon of well-being have been published in newspapers and in the professional literature. The researchers indicate that their sampling method consisted
of issuing invitations to women and men, ranging in age from early 20s to their 90s, who are considered to be exemplars of this experience. Five individuals from locations across
Canada agreed to participate. Their ages ranged from 40s to 60s. Data was collected via individual, unstructured interviews with the first author. These interviews were either in person or over
the telephone. While the authors do not explicitly address the issue of bias, they do discuss it indirectly, in that they state that their data analysis followed the parameters
developed by Van Manen, which entailed a "back-and-forth movement" that involved reflection on the data "then writing and a return to reflecting and rewriting" (Healey-Ogden and Austin, 2011, p. 86).
As this indicates, the researchers interpretation of data was integral to their studys findings and conclusions, which is practice that is congruent with the hermeneutic phenomenological approach. In order