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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page article summary and critique that analyzes a study performed by Evans and O'Brien (2005) entitled Gestational Diabetes: the meaning of an at-risk pregnancy. No additional sources cited.
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hospital located in Western Canada. The nurse coordinator distributed these letters to eligible pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes as they came in for their clinic appointments. Data collection
: This consisted of two interviews: one conducted prior to delivery and one conducted six to weight weeks postpartum. Each interview was conducted by one of the researchers. Rationale
: Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes (GDM) is a frightening experience for women as it carries the implication that both the mother and the baby are at risk. The researchers
designed the study in order to gain greater comprehension as to what this diagnosis meant to the women who received it. As the factor that constituted the focus of the
study was the subjective perspective of each woman, the qualitative nature of this investigation was ideally suited to the researchers goals, whereas a quantitative approach would almost certainly not have
obtained the depth of information that the qualitative design produced. II. Methodology of approach : The researchers used a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, such as has been depicted by Heidegger and
Gadamer. This approach constitutes a shift "from an epistemological emphasis on an understanding of essences" and the seeking of "universal truths" towards gathering a greater existential understanding "of a persons
being-in-the-world" (Evans and OBrien, 2005, p. 68). Each woman who received an invitation letter and showed interesting in participation was approached on an individual basis and presented with the research
plan. Those agreeing to participation were then presented with a consent form. III. Phenomenon : The phenomenon under investigation was the fact that some women will develop carbohydrate intolerance of
varying severity with the onset of pregnancy, which creates an air of risk to both the mother and child. Purpose : The purpose of the study was to explore how