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Article Critique/Feedback Instrument for Healthcare Adm.

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page article critique on a research project by Garman, Tyler and Darnall (2004). Feedback is been proven to be a crucial factor in regards to leadership development, but instruments for obtaining multi-source feedback, which is known as 360-degree feedback, are largely not applicable for use within healthcare settings. Therefore, Garman, Tyler and Darnell established a research project that was initiated in order to develop a “job-relevant, commercial-quality multi-source feedback survey” suitable for use in health administration settings (Garman, Tyler and Darnall, 2004, p. 307). No additional sources cited.

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are largely not applicable for use within healthcare settings. Therefore, Garman, Tyler and Darnell established a research project that was initiated in order to develop a "job-relevant, commercial-quality multi-source feedback survey" suitable for use in health administration settings (Garman, Tyler and Darnall, 2004, p. 307). This research team utilized a critical incident methodology and enlisted the aid of a plethora of experts in order to formulate a competency framework that encompasses evaluation measures on 26 competencies, which were arranged according to seven categories. To access the validity of the competency model, the identified competencies were structured into a survey instrument, which was distributed to a group of subject matter experts. This second survey instrument utilized the not only the skills of the first panel of experts, but also this panel was expanded to include "leadership development consultants, senior human resources executives, administrative fellowship director and incumbent administrators" (Garman, Tyler and Darnall, 2004, p. 310). The content validity ratios described by Lawshe were used to determine the level of agreement among the raters concerning the significance of each item on the survey. Eventually, a third survey was conducted with a panel of incumbent leaders, which lead to adding behavioral descriptors to the survey instrument. The end result of this development process was to formulate a survey instrument made up of 128 total items that, "when matrixed across four relational types," created surveys which ranged between 36 and 95 items in length (Garman, Tyler and Darnall, 2004, p. 307). Two pilot studies were then conducted that provided the research team with data that facilitated determining reliability and validity when considered against other measures of leadership ability. The results of these pilot studies indicate that the instrument development by Garman, Tyler and Darnall can provide assessments of healthcare leadership that ...

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