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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 12 page critique of a research study conducted by Harley, et al (2007), which examine the associated out-of-pocket costs to patients who have bipolar disorder. No other sources are cited.
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12 pages (~225 words per page)
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Harley, Hong Li, Patricia Corley-Lisle, Gilbert J. LItalien and William Carson. Harley is a PhD. with i3 Innovus, whose website indicates that this is "one of the worlds largest health
economics and outcomes research companies" []. Li and Corey-Lisle, who are also PhDs, as well as LItalien, ScD, are with Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, and Carson is with Otsuka America Pharmaceutical.
Type of research, Problem, Research questions The type of research that was conducted was a retrospective analysis of claims filed with an American private insurance company between January 1,
1999 through December 31, 2002. The problem under investigation is bipolar disorder, which affects between 1 and 1.5 percent of the US populace. The cost of treating bipolar disorder in
the US was estimated in 1991 to be $45 billion (Harley, et al, 2007). The cost of bipolar disorder is considered to be the highest costing mental disorder covered in
US employer health care plans, as the incurred costs for bipolar disorder are roughly 2.5 times greater than those for treating depression (Harley, et al, 2007). As this brief
summation of the introduction to the study suggests, the authors do an excellent job of addressing the extreme nature of the costs associated with treating this disease. The introduction goes
on to indicate that medication for bipolar disorder is only a small percentage of the direct costs to the patient, roughly 10 percent, and the authors discuss which medications are
prescribed most frequently and why. This includes the problem of side effects, as some of these medications are associate with weight gain, as well as a higher incidence of diabetes.
The purposes of this study were to evaluate the patients direct costs due to having bipolar disorder within the context of a