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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 8 page article critique that summarizes a study in a British ICU that tested the efficacy of isolation as a control measure against the spread of MRSA. No additional sources cited.
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al (2005) report that one of every six patients in English ICUs have been colonized, infected or both. National guidelines indicate that either single room or isolation of the infected
cohort of colonized patients is recommended to reduce the spread of MRSA infection, but the benefit that can be derived from this action is undetermined. Therefore the purpose of
this study was to determine the effectiveness of moving versus not-moving infected or colonized ICU patients in order to prevent the spread of MRSA. Literature Review This research article
does not have a "literature review," as such, as the authors refer to previous research as part of their introduction. There are 49 sources cited in total by the authors
and, of these, only 3 refer to articles that were more than 10 years old at the time of the studys publication. The researchers indicate that while several studies have
suggested a benefit from "single=room isolation or cohort nursing," a systematic review of the literature revealed that "the role of isolation measures alone" had yet to be assessed (Cepeda, et
al, 2005, p. 295). As isolation was instituted within the context of multiple measures, such as "surveillance, improved handwashing compliance, reduction in ward activity," etc. the effectiveness of isolation alone
remained undetermined (Cepeda, et al, 2005, p. 295). The researchers identify associated issues and unanswered questions, which all indicate the significance and importance of the studys topic. Study framework
and theoretical perspective The framework for the study is explicitly expressed as the authors indicate that this is a prospective study undertaken within three general medical-surgical ICUs located within two
centrally located London teaching hospitals. The framework is scientific as it encompasses an experimental framework, which was approved by the ethics committee in both hospitals, as there was no "compelling